Comments on: A brief history of the Chaco War 1932 – 1935 My guide to anything and everything about Paraguay Wed, 09 Feb 2022 20:33:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Tue, 08 Dec 2020 11:59:07 +0000 In reply to Sapo.

No I think Paraguay came out of it far the better. Boliva had previously fought wars with other neighbours, all of which they lost, along with large amounts of territory. So not too surprising they did the same when they moved into Paraguayan lands. Another reason Paraguay stopped before the oil fields was that their manpower and supply lines were stretched to the limit.
Thanks for the note on the typo. Will hunt it down

By: Sapo Tue, 08 Dec 2020 01:56:49 +0000 Hmm, my friend insists that Paraguay ended up losing land when all was said and done. Is it true?
So Paraguay could have taken Bolivia’s oil fields but inexplicably stopped? The account seems a bit biased towards Paraguay but history is an agreed upon set of lies or so I hear 🙂
BTW, there is a typo with the date: 12th June 1953
