Comments on: Balnearios, the Paraguayan country parks My guide to anything and everything about Paraguay Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:26:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Tue, 28 Mar 2023 17:26:43 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

Cerro Lambare is one of those places I have never actually been to, although I should. Whenever I have been in Asuncion I have always been heading to places elsewhere in the city. I understand that it was at Cerro Lambare that the locals were camped when the Spanish first arrived in Asuncion Bay.

By: Michael Frost Mon, 27 Mar 2023 22:44:19 +0000 Sadly, didn’t make it to Salto Cristal last April! Could only see and do much in my 14 days.

But there is La Rosada, Carlos Antonio Lopez’ steelworks just to the southeast of the falls in the Ybycui National Park. Which has a nice little fall. And there is a small national park just to the west of that, where you find Bernadino Caballero’s House.

Does Cerro Lambare count as one? The massive monument. The magnificent views. Quite accessible since it is so close to Asuncion itself by the Paraguay River.
