Comments on: Making a flying visit to Asuncion My guide to anything and everything about Paraguay Tue, 02 May 2023 17:06:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon Tue, 02 May 2023 17:06:57 +0000 In reply to Michael Frost.

A whole year has passed then since you had the opportunity to visit Paraguay.

It is quite an experience travelling on distances on buses. Never quick or comfortable, but I long ago got used to it. Now O just relax and let the hours and miles slowly roll by.

As for Fortin, often I pass by there but getting to visit it from nearby is not made easy. They do have tours, but all start and finish in Asuncion adding to the time and cost with additional stops at places like restaurants in San Bernadino and the little museum in Piribebuy.

By: Michael Frost Mon, 01 May 2023 23:58:58 +0000 Hard to believe it has been 1 year since my 14 wonderful days in Paraguay. I think of that time so fondly, that hardly a day goes by without some positive thought.

I could NOT imagine doing what you do by bus. I travelled those same roads to places like Vapor Cue, Caacupe, Piribebuy, and Paraguari by Hyundai SUV (diesel). I’m a bit sad thinking about the road you take south of Ruta 2 to get to Piribebuy. Takes you past the Fortin Rum Distillery. Which I couldn’t tour but did stop by the side of the road and snap some pictures!

Though my mall experience in Asuncion was Shopping del Sol. And was it crowded that day in April. A Sunday. Food court was packed. Had some ice cream.
