Simons Paraguay

Tales of life, culture, history, wildlife and much more
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Welcome to my Paraguayan world

Welcome to Simons Paraguay. This is where I keep all my tales of life in Paraguay. Through articles in the journal you will be able to discover the many aspects of Paraguay. Be it the land, the culture, the wildlife, the history, the people or anything else relating in some way to the country. Then additionally in the gallery, a collection of photographs from around the land.

And of course items about my life here. How I came to be in Paraguay and what it is like to live here.

Please do read on. I hope you enjoy my tales.

Recent Blog Posts

A few of the many items awaiting discovery in the journal

Teaching in Paraguay

Once I had arrived in Paraguay I could get to grips with what I had come here to do, teaching children English. From the capital once everyone had caught their breaths we relocated 80km into the interior where the project was to be set up. The chosen location was the...

How I came to Paraguay

Relocating from England to Paraguay is probably neither the most common nor obvious way of moving abroad so it would help if I explained a little of how it came about. Back in the later part of the last century there I was filling the days working in an English bank....

Nueva Australia and Nueva Londres, Socialism in Paraguay

Nueva Australia and Nueva Londres, Socialism in Paraguay

These days Nueva Londres and Nueva Australia form a small country town and a satellite village. They have between them a popualtion of about 4,000 and are located approximatly 140km east of Asuncion. Little remains of their original features when Nueva Australia was...

SimonsParaguay is also available on YouTube

SimonsParaguay is also available on YouTube

There are here on the website a large number of items covering a wide range of subjects related to Paraguay. Over the past few years articles have been added covering almost every aspect of Paraguay. The towns, the countryside, the culture and what it is like to live...

Talking about Paraguay leaves many memories to talk about

Talking about Paraguay leaves many memories to talk about

I recently travelled into Asuncion for the day to answer all the questions someone had about Paraguay. It is something I like to do to help people who are thinking of moving to Paraguay. Sometimes they come out to visit me in Piribebuy and sometimes I travel into...

A selection of Paraguayan views

A collection of images from around Paraguay