Land I bought for my home in Paraguay

Land I bought for my home in Paraguay

As outlined in other posts I first came to Paraguay in 2002. Back then I came to teach English to children. That I did on a voluntary project in the countryside outside the town of Piribebuy. Doing that was very enjoyable thing to do, and very rewarding. I left to...
Where I make my home in the Paraguayan countryside

Where I make my home in the Paraguayan countryside

I have now been living in Paraguay for over 20 years. Throughout that time my home has been in the countryside. Before I describe where that is and what it is like I think some background is needed. When I first came out to Paraguay it was to teach English in a little...
Taking a day trip by bus into Asuncion

Taking a day trip by bus into Asuncion

I live a good life out in the Paraguayan countryside. I do though like however to take the occasional trip into Asuncion. In Asuncion I can do a little sightseeing around the city or visit one of the modern shopping malls. Visiting anything even vaguely resembling a...
Ongoing saga of a motorbike repair

Ongoing saga of a motorbike repair

This week is one that has been dominated by ongoing attempts to fix a problem with my motorbike. A repair that has dragged out over several days. It all began one afternoon at the beginning of the week when the speedometer stopped working. The needle swung back to...
Making a flying visit to Asuncion

Making a flying visit to Asuncion

I live out in the Paraguayan countryside. It is a good place to live but from time to time I do like to see something different. For me that generally means seeing a bit of city life. Being just 80 km away Asuncion is easy for me to reach. The trip inevitably involves...
How I spent my Paraguayan  country Christmas

How I spent my Paraguayan country Christmas

This year as I do almost every year I spent my Christmas in Paraguay. In the countryside outside Piribebuy with my local friends. And as always it was an enjoyable time. Christmas here in Paraguay is in many ways different to that in northern latitudes. The scenery...