Paraguay from every angle

Life, culture, landscapes. All that is Paraguay, and my life here
My first couple of weeks back in Paraguay

My first couple of weeks back in Paraguay

Arriving back in Paraguay a couple of weeks ago my first stop was a hotel. There I could relax and unwind after my long journey before heading off to my country home. For a last bit of luxury to end my trip I booked into the modern Ibis Hotel. In addition to being...

My journey from England back to Paraguay

My journey from England back to Paraguay

After a very enjoyable trip to England the time arrived for me to travel back to my home in Paraguay. Whilst I was in England the weather had been quite unlike normal English weather. It had for the whole of my visit been very hot and very dry. The temperature had...

As I travelled from Paraguay across to England

As I travelled from Paraguay across to England

I recently travelled across from Paraguay and England. It is always a long journey both in terms of time and distance. A journey however that I have made several times. The trip as it is coming in a number of different parts is best broken down. Its individual parts...

Trip to inspect a Paraguayan farm for buyers

Trip to inspect a Paraguayan farm for buyers

This week I had a long but very productive couple of days out. I travelled across the country to inspect a Paraguayan farm for potential overseas buyers. I had been in contact via email with them for a little while. They had found a farm in Paraguay they were...

Day trip to Asuncion was on the whole a success

Day trip to Asuncion was on the whole a success

From my home in Piribebuy a trip to Asuncion is always a long one. To travel to and from Asuncion is guaranteed to fill a day. It is not a difficult trip to make but it is one that is best done for a reason and not on a whim. Yesterday was one of those days. And as...

To teach in Paraguay a school house had to be built

To teach in Paraguay a school house had to be built

When I first came to Paraguay it was as a volunteer teaching English. The school was to be in the countryside outside the small town of Piribebuy. A site had been found for the project and camping arrangements made for the volunteers like myself who were coming from...

Earthen roads in Paraguay require occasional repairs

Earthen roads in Paraguay require occasional repairs

Many of the roads in Paraguay are earthen roads. These orange stripes seek out even the remotest habitations in the country. The majority of the main roads are now paved. These join the towns and villages of the land together and give an urban feel to town centers....

Large storm ends summer and the drought in Paraguay

Large storm ends summer and the drought in Paraguay

Here in Paraguay the drought that had lasted all summer has finally been bought to an end. Summer should be a time of sunshine and showers. The time of year when the heat builds up but the air is freshened as periodic storms return the evaporated moisture to the...

The battle of Acosta Nu, 16th August 1869

The battle of Acosta Nu, 16th August 1869

The battle of Acosta Nu was the last mayor battle of the Triple Alliance War. The remnants of the Paraguayan army was heavily out numbered by the Alliance troops. These were mostly Brazilian along with some Argentines. Following the loss of Asuncion in late 1868 the...