The Cocotero or Coco Paraguayo

The cocotero is the ubiquitous tree of Paraguay. There may be more graceful trees and there may be trees with more edible fruits but it is the tree many think of first when describing Paraguayan trees. No scene or image of Paraguay would be complete without one and...

Paraguay. A green land.

Despite the inevitable illegal logging and forest fires Paraguay remains a very green and heavily wooded land.  Even where the trees have been cleared they are on the whole replaced by pasture rather than concrete. The picture is a little different in the thorn...

Eating out in restaurants in Paraguay

Anyone eating out in Paraguay will very quickly discover how common buffet restaurants are. They are to be found everywhere from high streets to supermarkets to shopping centers. What they offer is good reasonably priced food without all the hassle of making a...

Fire! Fire! Dry season danger in Paraguay

Winter in Paraguay is the dry season, a time of year when the grass dry or if there has been frost, die back leaving just straw behind. All this turns the ground to a tinderbox in grave danger from fire. So it was for me a couple of winters back. I returned home after...

A cow for the home

In rural Paraguay it is common for a household to own a cow or two and for some to own many more than that. Those animals are often to be seen tied up along roadsides or in gardens chomping away on the grass. As well as representing an investment a cow can also...