Hornero the Paraguayans friend

Hornero the Paraguayans friend

Rufous Hornero, or as he is more usually know is not much to look at. Just another nondescript small brown bird. However his habits make him one of the most conspicuous in Paraguay. Firstly the hornero is not a shy retiring woodland bird, but instead one that actively...
Spring follows winter in Paraguay

Spring follows winter in Paraguay

Once June arrives and the shortest day approaches autumn slowly gives way to winter. Darkness descends late afternoon at this time of year and children head home from school after the sun has fallen from the sky. Winter is a time without evenings as day gives way to...
Summer turns to autumn across Paraguay

Summer turns to autumn across Paraguay

Looking from outside it is easy to think that Paraguay does not really have seasons but it instead varying degrees of hot all year round. That though is not quite the case as the year is broken down into four quite distinct seasons. The truly hot part of the year,...
A small country waterfall in Paraguay

A small country waterfall in Paraguay

One afternoon across Paraguay the bright blue sky fades into the gathering gloom and the sun concealed as black clouds build. A hot and sunny land is Paraguay for most of the year but to retain it’s lush green covering rain must come and when it does it arrives...
A land defined by great rivers

A land defined by great rivers

For all but it’s northern border waterways shape the Paraguayan frontiers. These great rivers are all part of the ParanĂ¡ system and mark the size and shape of Paraguay as clearly as the seas do an island. The ParanĂ¡ river system is second only in South America...