Tranquilo with punctures

To get anything done in Paraguay it is vital to remain calm and relaxed, knowing that in all likelyhood some sort of solution will shortly come along and that even if it doesn’t not to worry. The Paraguayans have a word for this, tranquilo. All that ever happens...

Traditional herbal remedies in Paraguay

The use of plants and herbs in traditional medicine is widespread in Paraguay. Everyone knows which plants or yuyo to use and where they grow. In addition every market has a stall piled high with remedies. They are all picked growing wild and are of course all...

Terere the national beverage

No scene in Paraguay would be complete without someone filling a small cup from a flask and then sucking up the liquid through a silver straw. England may have it’s tea, but in Paraguay it is terere that rules supreme. All day everyday terere is being drunk and...

Lizards of Paraguay

With so much green open space and a low population density outside AsunciĆ³n Paraguay is a haven for wild life. Those wild spaces cover a number of habitats, from forest to grassland, from swamp to semi desert each ideal for different species of lizard. One group of...

When it rains it really does in Paraguay

Lying across the Tropic of Capricorn Paraguay has a generally hot and dry subtropical climate with many days of cloudless blue skies. However a look at the abundance of lush green plants would tell that the land must also be well watered. The rains do come and are...