Visiting an exhibition at the local garden centre

Visiting an exhibition at the local garden centre

Earlier this year a new garden centre opened up near me. It is located out on the road towards Piriberbuy. It has recently been the scene of a gardening exhibition. The garden centre itself is called Paseo las Palmeras and after several months of construction opened...
Communications are now digital in Paraguay

Communications are now digital in Paraguay

During my years in Paraguay the communications systems have seen many changes. From almost nothing when I first came here to now entering the digital age. They now are far better than I could ever had imagined they would be when I first arrived. Back in 2002 I arrived...
My first couple of weeks back in Paraguay

My first couple of weeks back in Paraguay

Arriving back in Paraguay a couple of weeks ago my first stop was a hotel. There I could relax and unwind after my long journey before heading off to my country home. For a last bit of luxury to end my trip I booked into the modern Ibis Hotel. In addition to being...
My journey from England back to Paraguay

My journey from England back to Paraguay

After a very enjoyable trip to England the time arrived for me to travel back to my home in Paraguay. Whilst I was in England the weather had been quite unlike normal English weather. It had for the whole of my visit been very hot and very dry. The temperature had...
As I travelled from Paraguay across to England

As I travelled from Paraguay across to England

I recently travelled across from Paraguay and England. It is always a long journey both in terms of time and distance. A journey however that I have made several times. The trip as it is coming in a number of different parts is best broken down. Its individual parts...