Nueva Australia and Nueva Londres, Socialism in Paraguay

Nueva Australia and Nueva Londres, Socialism in Paraguay

These days Nueva Londres and Nueva Australia form a small country town and a satellite village. They have between them a popualtion of about 4,000 and are located approximatly 140km east of Asuncion. Little remains of their original features when Nueva Australia was...
Paraguay has inexpensive green electricity

Paraguay has inexpensive green electricity

Paraguay has possibly the greenest energy in the world. Electricity that is also inexpensive. Depending upon which source is used you will find a very slight difference in the proportion of energy quote as produced from renewable green sources in Paraguay. Sometimes...
Visiting Vapor Cue  Naval Museum, Paraguay

Visiting Vapor Cue Naval Museum, Paraguay

Vapor Cue Naval Museum is about 90 km from Asuncion. It is located outside the town of Caraguatay. Within it are is to be found the remains of the Paraguayan fleet from the Triple Alliance War (1864-1870). The Paraguayan forces were forced to abandon what was left of...
The battle of Acosta Nu, 16th August 1869

The battle of Acosta Nu, 16th August 1869

The battle of Acosta Nu was the last mayor battle of the Triple Alliance War. The remnants of the Paraguayan army was heavily out numbered by the Alliance troops. These were mostly Brazilian along with some Argentines. Following the loss of Asuncion in late 1868 the...
Museum Comandente Pedro Pablo Cabellero

Museum Comandente Pedro Pablo Cabellero

Piribebuy is a small country town. These days it is mainly a destination for tourists seeking unspoiled countryside and green open spaces. It does though have a long and interesting history. This is what is on show at the town museum. The museum Comandente Pedro Pablo...
Sapucai rail yard. Workshops and railway museum.

Sapucai rail yard. Workshops and railway museum.

The small town of Sapucai is located approximately 90 km to the east of Asuncion. When trains ran in Paraguay it was the location of the railway workshops. These have been preserved as a museum to 19th century industrial Paraguay. Sapucai is located a little distance...