Applying for residence in order to live in Paraguay

Applying for residence in order to live in Paraguay

For anyone seeking to move to Paraguay one of the very first tasks is to apply for residency. Once obtained you will be able to then live in Paraguay for as long as you desire. The residency process itself is not overly complicated. The most important thing is to...
Larger the storm longer the power cut

Larger the storm longer the power cut

The storms that bring rain to Paraguay come in varying degrees of intensity. At times hours and hours of steady rain falls but often things are rather more dramatic. This is because many of the storms are electrical ones. They build up until the air can hold no more...
Visiting San Blas in Piribebuy became an adventure

Visiting San Blas in Piribebuy became an adventure

Yesterday I decided to visit the chapel of San Blas in Piribebuy. I had only been there once before. That was during festival time over fifteen years ago. Accordingly I had only a vague idea where it was. It was also well overdue a visit. In Piribebuy the chapel of...
Here in Paraguay I have become quite an expert at DIY

Here in Paraguay I have become quite an expert at DIY

Before I came to Paraguay no one would ever have thought to describe me as good at DIY. In fact anything beyond the most basic would not have been attempted by me. Quite simply I have always approached manual tasks on a need to know basis. In England there was little...
Many years ago when I first travelled to Paraguay

Many years ago when I first travelled to Paraguay

It is now almost 20 years since I arrived in Paraguay for the first time. Then I had left behind a job working in a bank in England. Ahead lay a teaching project in the Paraguayan countryside. The year was 2002. By then much of the back office work in the bank had...
Before I came to Paraguay England was my home

Before I came to Paraguay England was my home

Paraguay has been my home now for nearly twenty years. Before that England was where I call home. More precisely the town of Dunstable. There I grew up, went to school and then to work. Dunstable is an average sized market town in Southern England. It is located in...