Clearing the dead wood

Clearing the dead wood

Yesterday I had a visit from a man and his chainsaw. He had come to cut down and turn into logs and firewood a couple of my old dead trees. I did not have to track him down or organize the work as that had all been done by my neighbour. he had actually come to cut...
A Presidential Inauguration

A Presidential Inauguration

Several years ago I was fortunate enough to be in Asuncion on the day that a new president was inaugurated into office. The year was 2008 and the president was Fernando Lugo. After I had breakfasted in my hotel I headed to parliament and the cathedral where the events...
Boat trip across the bay

Boat trip across the bay

In Asuncion just along from the Port of Asuncion is a small pier. From there small boats ferry passengers out of Asuncion Bay, across the Rio Paraguay and to the small ferry landing at Chaco’i. These boats being public transport rather than tourist attractions...
Home, Sweet Home

Home, Sweet Home

Once I had done the teaching of English in Paraguay, returned to England and then decided I could make a life for myself in Paraguay the next thing I needed was somewhere to live. You cannot spend you whole life in other peoples spare rooms. Having spend 18 months...

A day in the English school

The days started early in our English school in Naranjo, Piribebuy. At first light a strong bright sun burst into life. If that was not enough to waken everybody in their tents and huts then the sound of the chickens getting going for the day certainly was. Once...

Fire! Fire! Dry season danger in Paraguay

Winter in Paraguay is the dry season, a time of year when the grass dry or if there has been frost, die back leaving just straw behind. All this turns the ground to a tinderbox in grave danger from fire. So it was for me a couple of winters back. I returned home after...